Something that you imagine or see in your mind
What is it?
Vision, in the context of clinical leadership, involves the ability to see the bigger picture and navigate through large systems to promote the best outcomes.
Why is it important?
Being able to understand the complex systems at play in healthcare is a valuable asset for promoting positive change in policy, advocating on behalf of patients, and building consensus among key professionals to impact change.
Educate Yourself
The first part of being able to see the bigger picture is understanding the structures that make up the “big picture”. Educate yourself on the systems within which you work so that you can start to navigate them better, and ultimately determine the best areas for change.
Establish Goals
If you don’t know what you want to achieve, it is impossible to create a vision for it. By starting with a strong goal, the opportunities to achieve that goal will start to become more apparent and steps to achieving that goal can be drawn out and tackled one at a time.
Understand What Others Want
To build consensus and inspire a shared vision, you need to start by understanding what drives different individuals. If you can appeal to various wants and needs with a single solution, getting people on board with policy change will become much easier.