Cultivating regular habits of wellness to lessen the various effects of everyday life pressures
Stress management is the use of a wide range of practices to intentionally help yourself cope with pressure, anxiety, or adversity. While there are a number of commonly used techniques for improving stress management, some tactics may be unique to different individuals in the ways they can lower their stress levels.
Symptoms of stress affect both the physical body as well as the mental state or mood. They can create conflict, anxiety, a lack of motivation, and irritability. All of these symptoms impact not only the individual but also co-workers and clients. Rather than being subject to the negative effects of external pressures, managing stress symptoms can improve your work environment and client relationships. Stress management is a critical skill to have, especially for anyone working in a particularly stressful environment.
- Practice Deep Breathing
First, in moments of intense stress, taking a few, long, deep breaths can reduce elevated heart rate, return the physical body back to normal, and calm the mind. This practice can help keep stress from impairing decision making and causing unnecessary conflict between co-workers or with clients. Effectively managing your own worries can also help you reassure clients about the matters of their case.
- Increase Physical Activity
Second, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Because tension is often held in the body, physical activity can help reduce the physical symptoms of stress and promote positive mood. Incorporating even small amounts of exercise into your daily routine can reduce stress and diminish some of stress’ symptoms. Take the stairs, park further away, or make time to go on a walk.
- Seek Counseling
Finally, some stress can actually be too much for a person to handle alone. Seeking professional help to talk through particular stressors in your life or to strategize the most effective forms of stress management for you as an individual may be the best course of action. In actuality, seeking counseling is a common practice that is widely recognized as an effective tool for improvement in work environment and quality of life.