Development Resources for Nurse Managers
Becoming a nurse manager can feel like a logical next step for bedside nurses. But when you think about it, the skills required to succeed in both roles are totally different. Sure, nurse managers still play an important clinical role. But added to the clinical know-how are a whole new set of leadership, interpersonal and problem-solving skills that may or may not have been needed when working exclusively at the bedside.
If you’re a nurse manager, knowing if you have the right skills and competencies for the job is imperative. After all, being an effective nurse manager can have wide-ranging impacts on patient safety, patient satisfaction, work relationships, career fulfillment, the list goes on.
But nurse managers are a notoriously busy bunch. There’s barely time for bathroom breaks. How is there time in the schedule for identifying strengths and working on weaknesses?
Designed with limited time in mind, our 360 degree feedback form for nurses can quickly and easily measure a nurse manager’s competencies from a variety of perspectives (themselves, their peers, subordinates and managers). The Nurse Manager Feedback Report then compiles the results and presents them in an easy-to-read format, helping you translate those findings into a personal development plan.
The 16 competencies measured by our survey come from the widely used national standards set by the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
Click on any of the competencies below to access a variety of leadership development resources, including detailed descriptions, suggestions for improvement, and recommended books, articles and videos.
16 Core Competencies in Four Categories
- Personal Qualities
- Interpersonal Skills
- Patient Care
- Leadership Skills