Effective Time Management Strategies

effective time management strategies

In a world of never-ending to-do lists, time management is more important than ever. But it’s not always the easiest to achieve. Here are ten tips for effective time management strategies to improve your skills and finish your to-do list on time.


Before you get started, prioritize the items on your to-do list. At the beginning of the day, choose the top two or three things that you must complete today and work on those first. Doing this will help you put into perspective what needs to be done tomorrow and what can wait another day if you run out of time. Of course, you can complete more items than only your prioritized items, but when you prioritize, you realize that your to-do list can be shorter if necessary, which will hopefully decrease any stress you may have.

Group To-Do Items

If you have related to-do items, perhaps multiple writing tasks or technical tasks, try to do them together. Your brain is already focused on that certain task, so capitalize on that focus and continue with similar tasks. It will make the transition between tasks more seamless, saving you a little extra time.

Focus on One Thing

Don’t try to do five things at once. Work on one thing at a time to maintain your focus and productivity. Eliminate as many distractions around you as possible– put away your phone and exit out of the Twitter tab in your browser. Additionally, while you are working on a task, don’t think about the entirety of your to-do list. When you think about everything that you have to do at once, you can become very overwhelmed very quickly.

Rise Up

Wake up early and start your day early. Your mornings set the stage for the rest of the day– a productive morning will lead to a productive day, while a lazy morning will likely lead to a lazy day. Before you get started, though, take some time to go through your morning routine and eat a healthy breakfast to prepare yourself for the day.

Organize Your Time

Don’t just jump into tasks without organizing your day. After you have a to-do list and have prioritized your items, planners are a great way to manage your time and get everything done. You can make a schedule based off of your priorities, and you can make it in advance so you know what your upcoming days will look like. Planning your time is an important step of time management because it allows you to schedule in everything that you want, whether that is working on a certain task or taking time for dinner with your family.


When you schedule your days, commit to your plan– that’s the only way that your schedules will work. If you are determined to accomplish your goals, chances are that you will be able to stick to your schedule and finish your to-do list. Stay committed to your productivity and your plan for managing your time.

Set a Limit

Give yourself a certain amount of time to complete tasks so that you aren’t simply working on it until you are done. When you set a limit, you push yourself and focus harder so that you will finish on time and move onto the next task. Limits allow you to stay on schedule and complete all of your items by the end of the day. And when you set limits, you are more likely to finish it in that amount of time than spend more time on that one item, making more time for other things on your agenda.

Use All Time

Don’t waste time waiting around or wondering what to do next. When you schedule your time, you won’t have to spend time that day thinking about what you should be doing, allowing your day to end a little earlier. Additionally, spend your waiting time doing something productive, whether that’s checking and responding to email or planning your next day.

Don’t Overwork Yourself

No matter how much work you have, prioritizing your health is vital. To help manage your time, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, and exercise. The more you take care of your body, the more productive your mind will be. And don’t forget to take breaks every now and then. If you have too much going on, don’t be afraid to say no to more tasks– your break times should not be extra time for a new task.

Experience Silence

In addition to taking breaks, take time to enjoy some silence. In a world of endless to-do lists and new developments, we can easily feel like we are falling behind if we are not working 24/7. But don’t forget to enjoy time to be still and quiet in the ever-moving, loud world. When you stop rushing and take time for quietness, you can reduce your stress and anxiety and focus better when you return to your tasks.

These time management tips can work wonders, but make sure you do what works for you. Try these out, but if one or more aren’t working for you, that’s okay. After some trial and error, you’ll find what works best and be on your way to more productivity.