How to Get Your Team to Work Together

how to get your team to work together

We all know that people don’t always get along. It’s a fact of life. And if you have ever worked on a project or with a group of other people, you know that problems can arise because of it. But if you are the leader of team or group that doesn’t get along, is there anything you can do? Sure, you can encourage and promote teamwork, but unfortunately that message rarely gets through to the parties who cause the problem. But all hope is not lost. There are plenty of methods and strategies that you can implement to get your team to work together more effectively.

Step In

If team members are fighting or not getting along, step in as a mediator to help those involved. As the team leader, you should be a leader in more than just the “work” aspect. Your role includes managing the relationships within your team and forming team bonds. When problems arise between team members, you should attempt to get to the root of the problem. What exactly are the members fighting about and what is causing the tension? You might also try starting with a G360 Team Survey to identify the core issues. Then, once you figure out exactly what is going on, you are better able to address it with them. You should also be aware of how it impacts your team so that you are able to communicate clearly to the members why they need to learn to get along.

Create a Team Identity

If your team doesn’t already have a unique identity, it’s time to get one. Identities tie everyone together and make members proud to be part of the team. You can find identities in traditions, mottos, and team names or logos. When your team has an identity, you set yourself apart from other teams and make everything just a little more fun, which can boost morale and dedication. It’s important, however, that you come up with the identity together as a team. It should be something that brings everyone together and has something that each member enjoys.

Give More Feedback

Don’t wait to give feedback only once a year. Members constantly need feedback, including the leader, to continually improve their performance. If members are not getting along, they may not realize how it is negatively impacting the team if you aren’t offering feedback on it. Be sure to give feedback as soon as the situation arises to make it as clear and effective as possible. If you wait, the problem may snowball or they may not remember what exactly they did to cause a problem.

Hold Members Accountable

Leaders and members alike need to hold everyone on the team accountable for their actions. If the team isn’t getting along because of certain individuals, it is important that they are aware of their impact and their role in the team. Leaders can hold members accountable by issuing hard deadlines, while members can hold the team accountable by addressing issues if they notice a problem or alerting the leader.


If you’re part of a team, chances are that you will experience problems. People don’t always get along, but there are steps you can take to minimize the problems and get your team back on track. Next time your team experiences tension, try implementing these strategies to promote teamwork among your team.