360 degree feedback

The Power of 360 Degree Feedback

As a manager or leader, you may have heard of 360 degree feedback, but do you truly understand its power and potential impact on your team? In this article, we’ll explore what a 360 degree review is, why it’s important, and how to effectively implement it in your organization.

360 degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, is a performance evaluation method that gathers feedback from multiple sources, including peers, direct reports, and managers. This feedback is then used to provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Traditionally, performance evaluations have been conducted by a single individual, such as a manager or supervisor. However, 360 degree feedback allows for a more well-rounded and accurate assessment by incorporating the perspectives of those who work closely with the individual on a daily basis.

Which of the Following is True of 360 Degree Feedback?

There are a few key characteristics that make 360 degree feedback unique and valuable:

  • It provides a more comprehensive view of an individual’s performance by gathering feedback from multiple sources.
  • It allows for a more balanced evaluation, as it includes perspectives from peers, direct reports, and managers.
  • It can uncover blind spots and areas for improvement that may not have been identified in a traditional performance evaluation.
  • It promotes a culture of open communication and feedback within the organization.

Why is 360 Degree Feedback Important?

There are several reasons why a 360 degree review is important for organizations:

Encourages Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

It provides individuals with a more complete understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement. This can lead to increased self-awareness and a desire for personal growth and development.

By receiving feedback from multiple sources, individuals can gain a better understanding of how their actions and behaviors impact those around them. This can lead to more effective communication, collaboration, and overall performance.

Promotes a Culture of Open Communication and Feedback

In order for a 360 degree review to be effective, there must be a culture of open communication and feedback within the organization. This means that individuals feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback, and that feedback is seen as a valuable tool for growth and improvement.

By promoting this type of culture, organizations can foster stronger relationships, improve team dynamics, and ultimately drive better results.

Identifies Blind Spots and Areas for Improvement

One of the key benefits of a 360 review is its ability to uncover blind spots and areas for improvement that may not have been identified in a traditional performance evaluation. By gathering feedback from multiple sources, individuals can gain a more well-rounded view of their performance and identify areas where they may need to improve.

This can lead to more targeted and effective development plans, resulting in improved performance and overall success.

How to Effectively Implement 360 Degree Feedback

In order for a 360 degree review to be successful, it must be implemented effectively. Here are some key steps to follow:

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before implementing 360 degree feedback, it’s important to clearly define your goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve by gathering feedback from multiple sources? What specific areas do you want to focus on? By setting clear goals and objectives, you can ensure that the feedback you gather is relevant and actionable.

Choose the Right Feedback Tool

There are many different tools and platforms available for gathering 360 degree feedback. It’s important to choose one that is user-friendly, customizable, and provides valuable insights. Some popular options include SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and Culture Amp and G360 Surveys.

Communicate the Purpose and Process to Participants

It’s important to communicate the purpose and process of 360 degree feedback to all participants. This includes explaining why the feedback is being gathered, how it will be used, and how the process will work. This will help ensure that participants are comfortable and willing to provide honest and valuable feedback.

Provide Training and Support

In order for 360 degree feedback to be effective, participants must understand how to give and receive feedback. This may require providing training and support to help individuals understand the purpose of feedback, how to give constructive criticism, and how to use feedback to drive personal growth and development.

Follow Up and Take Action

Once the feedback has been gathered and shared with participants, it’s important to follow up and take action. This may involve creating development plans, providing additional training or resources, or addressing any issues that were identified through the feedback process. By taking action, you can show participants that their feedback is valued and that their input is making a difference.

Real-World Examples

Many organizations have successfully implemented 360 degree feedback and have seen positive results. Here are a few real-world examples:


Google is known for its innovative and data-driven approach to performance management. As part of their performance evaluation process, Google uses a 360 degree feedback tool called “g2g” (Googler-to-Googler) to gather feedback from peers, direct reports, and managers. This feedback is then used to inform performance evaluations and development plans.


Microsoft has also implemented 360 degree feedback as part of their performance management process. They use a tool called “MyAnalytics” to gather feedback from peers, direct reports, and managers. This feedback is then used to identify areas for improvement and create development plans.


360 degree feedback is a powerful tool for driving personal growth and development, promoting a culture of open communication and feedback, and identifying blind spots and areas for improvement. By implementing it effectively, organizations can improve team dynamics, foster stronger relationships, and drive better results.